Friday, 13 April 2012

Update 13/04/12 - Go NE

Volvo B10BLE / Alexander 4993 (S590KJF) breifly moved to Stanley, then
on to Chester-le-Sreet and has also seen use from Crook.
Volvo Olympian / Northern Counties 3833 (S833OFT) has been repainted
into Northern red, while DAF SB220GS / Plaxton 4865 (S865ONL) is another
repainted green.
Volvo B10BLE / Wright 4842 (R842PRG) is now branded as Crusader. Thanks
to Bazza Houston and Steven Hodgson for these sightings.

Recent official movements are of Volvo B7TL / Plaxton 6012/4/6/7/31
(V312/4, 816, 317/31LGC) to Stanley, VDL SB120 / Wright 8260 (NK04FPE)
and SPDs 8219-21 (X219-21ERG) to Deptford, Dennis Trident / East Lancs
3862/4/5 (W862/4/5PNL) and SPD 8172 (S372ONL) to Gateshead, MPDs 505/14
(X504/14WRG) and SPD 8212/4 (V212/4ERG) to Percy Main, MPDs 512/63/4
(X512WRG, NK53TLN/O) and SPD 8204 (V204ERG), Dennis Trident / East Lancs
3873 (W183SCU) to Chester-le-Street and sister 3874 (W184SCU) and
Plaxton bodied 3886 (NK51UCO) to Winlaton. SPDs 8167/8 (S367/8ONL) and
Dennis Dart SLF / Caetano 8278/84/7 (T413LGP, V424/37KGF) have been
withdrawn and Volvo Olympian / Northern Counties 3990 (P819SGP) is
another to go to JP Travel, Middleton.

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