Steven Hodgson notes that MAN Ecocity demonstrator 9143 (WX61HSL) is on loan at Deptford.
Recent moves have seen
MPD 506 (X506WRG) returned to service at Washington. Volvo B7TL / Plaxton 6012/4/6/7/31 (V312/4, 816, 317/31LGC) have moved to Stanley, VDL SB120 / Wright 8242-55 (NA52BUU-W/VB-H/J, NK04FOP/T/U) and SPDs 8219-21 (X219-21ERG) to Deptford, Dennis Trident / East Lancs 3862/4/5 (W862/4/5PNL) and SPD 8172/3 (S372/3ONL) to Gateshead, MPDs 505/14 (X504/14WRG) and SPD 8212/4/22/3/6/7 (V212/4ERG, X822/223/6/7FBB) to Percy Main, MPDs 512/63/4 (X512WRG, NK53TLN/O) and SPDs 8201-5 (V201-5ERG) to Saltmeadows, Dennis Trident / East Lancs 3873 (W183SCU) to Chester-le-Street and sister 3874 (W184SCU) and Plaxton bodied 3886 (NK51UCO) to Winlaton. SPDs 8167/8 (S367/8ONL). Dennis Dart SLF / Caetano 8278/9/84-7 (T413/26LGP, V424/35-7KGF) have been withdrawn. Volvo B12M / Plaxton 7087 (NA52RMZ) and Volvo B12B / Plaxton 7091 (NK54WMM ex CU7661) have been withdrawn following changes to National Express diagrams. Volvo Olympian / Northern Counties 3990 (P819SGP) is another to go to JP Travel, Middleton. Dennis /Plaxton MPDs 487/90 (V187/90ERG) and Dennis Dart SLF / Plaxton 8290 (S726KNV) have been sold to Ensign. MPDs 486/500/621 (V186/820ERG, V730DNL) and Dennis Dart SLF / Caetano 8283: T430 LGP are sold to Ripley, Carlton. Volvo Olympian / Northern Counties 3909/11/28 (R267/9/87LGH) have been transferred to Oxford Bus Co., apparently for use in the Carousel fleet.
Bazza Houston notes further Volvo B10BLEs branded for the Crusader. It would seem that 4837-46/906-9 (R837-9PRG, 340GUP, R841-6PRG, W906-9PRG) are all done now. Steven Hodgson reports that DAF SB220GS / Plaxton 4863 (S863ONL) is now in Northern Red. Steven and Bazza note that many of the formerly yellow Blaydon racers SPDs and Scania L94UB / Wright 4940 (NK51OLB) are now in Northern red and, together with Alex Davies, they report the Mercedes Citaros 5326/7 (NK58DWD/E) are now silver. Steven and Bazza report that DAF SB120 / Wright 8247/8 (NA52BVD/E) have now been branded in a revised "bubbly" South Tyne style.
Bob Laycock illustrates an interesting working on the OK1!
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