Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Update 29/05/12 - Go North East

Bazza Houston notes that DAF SB120 / Wright 8249-2/4/5 (NA52BVF/G/H/J,
NK04FOT/U) are the latest examples with South Tyne branding applied and
Scania L94UB / Wright 5221/2 (NK54NVU/V) have joined 5219 (NK54NVP) in
having a fresh coat of black paint and a refurbishment, while Steven
Hodgson reports that sister 4969 (NK53UNV) has been refurbished and
given a fresh coat of purple. Steven notes that the Red Kite branded
Scania Omnicities are being repainted in a fresh coat of red pending a
refresh of their branding. Both Bazza and Steven report that ex Angel
Volvo B7TL / ELCB 3967 (PN02XCL) is now in Northern red and Steven notes
that ex Showstopper Dennis Trident /ELCB 3864 (W864PNL) is also in
Northern red.

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