Friday, 29 June 2012

Update 29/06/12 - Arriva NE

Dennis Dart / Plaxton 1304/11/4 (X485/533/7GGO) are now in use. Based on
most recent sightings, this means that Durham have 1301/11/4, Ashington
have 1306/7 (still carrying 44016/06!) and Darlington have 1302-5/8/10.
1309 (X531GGO) is under preparation at Durham. 1315 (as 1515) (X538GGO)
has been on loan to Classic (as illustrated by Steven Hodgson), but has
since returned.

Optare Solos 2806/15 (YK08ERZ/TL) are now at Jesmond, where 2868
(YJ11OJD) continues to be on loan from Darlington.

Volvo B10BLE / Wright 4506 (V506DFT) has been repainted and transferred
to Ashington but has not been refurbished or fitted with LED destinations.
VDL DB250 / East Lancs 7453-6 (YJ57BVD-G) and Alexander Dennis Enviro
400s 7507/8 (NK57GWZ/XA) have gained revised Coast and Castles branding
in rather restrained style.

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