Friday, 20 July 2012

Update 20/07/12 - Stagecoach NE Olympic Movements (further updated)

Steven Hodgson and Curtis Rawlinson have been out and about and both
myself and Curtis have been digging up useful items from the internet,
which allow me to assemble the picture as I know it so far.

In from Scotland are MAN A69 / Alexander 22527/86/9/850/1/5/6/62
SF09ADV/X/ED/E/N), Scania N230UD / Alexander 15626/8-30/40/4/5
(SF10CAX/BU/V/X/CX/DK/N) and Dennis Trident / Alexander 18001/3/4/369/71
In from Yorkshire are MAN A69 / Alexander 22541-4/636-9 (YN57MXH/J/K/L,
YN08JFZ/GF/O/DU) and Scania N230UD / Alexander 15690/1/716-8

Of these, Slatyford have 22527/41-4/86/9/850/5/6/62, Walkergate have
15626/8-30/40/4/5/90/1/716-8 and 1800001/3/4/369/71 and South Shields
have 22636-9/851.

Vehicles off to London are (some already gone, others anticipated)
Alexander Dennis Envrio 400s 19379-81/442-6/670-83 and all of South
Shields' Alexander Dennis Enviro 300s (barring one under accident
repair, I beleive).

Also, I understand that some Enviro 400s (including 19199/214) have gone
to Manchester to allow some of their examples to go to London - I hope
to investigate this further!

Internally, within the North East, Walkergate have gained a number of
Slatyford's Envrio 400s and the reserve fleet Volvo B10BLEs are
returning to squadron service, with 21101 (P601JBU) [at least] at
Walkergate and 21102/3/5/36/7/9/40/1/3/6-9/52/6/8 (P602/3/5JBU,
R236/7/9/40/1/3/6-9/52/6/8KRG) at South Shields.

This is a developing picture and I hope to update this summary as more
movements reveal themselves.

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