Thursday, 6 September 2012

Update 06/09/12 - Stagecoach NE

The loaned double deck vehicles for the Olympics have now returned home, following the return of Newcastle's Enviro 400s. BEfore this, Dennis Trident / Alexander 18003 (SF53BYV) was swapped for 18002 (SF53BZJ).  The single decks are staying in London a while longer to cover the Paralympics, with more of the inward loans moving to South Shields, allowing the most tired of the Volvo B10BLEs to retire.

Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 19151 (NK07HBL) is back in service following repairs to fire damage sustained as a result of a bizarre incident many months ago.  Meanwhile, sister 19198 (NK57DWC) now carries an advert for Vodafone.

Non-Olympic movements see Dennis Dart SLF / Alexander 33483/5 (R463/5SEF) replace sisters 33126/827 (R126KRG, R827YUD) at Slatyford. Volvo B10M / Alexander 20116/253/4/6-8/64 (N216LTN, R653/4/556-8/4RPY) have been sold to Trevor Wigley.

Many thanks to Steven Hodgson, Bazza Houston, Ray Parnaby, Craig Walker, Neil Wise, Alex Kennedy, Ian Wilson, Bryn McGloin and anyone else who has supplied information used in these updates.

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